Gloria Atanmo

Gloria Atanmo is the best friend and enabler everyone needs in their life.

Books by Gloria Atanmo

About Gloria Atanmo

Gloria Atanmo is the best friend and enabler everyone needs in their life. She’s a force of nature and risk-taker who’s on a mission to show others that there’s a world of knowledge out there that simply can’t be taught in a classroom.

She’s fought to overcome the many obstacles life has thrown her way, mastering the art of calculated risk-taking, putting herself out there to fail over and over again until the universe finally caved in.

By textbook definition, she was going to succeed by way of insanity.

Through her relentless pursuit and hustle of discovery and exploration, she went from making excuses to taking excursions, turning internal fights into external flights, itching to shape the better part of her existence through travel. And encouraging others to do the same.

She believes if she’s not living life on the edge then she’s taking up too much space. She wants her fellow daredevils and rebels to read this book and feel empowered to explore a life far outside of their comfort zones to live the life of their dreams as well.

Whether you’re into travel or not, she wants you to finally take on your thing. That ONE thing that sets your soul on fire. The thing you can’t stop dreaming or thinking about. Because she did three years ago. And she’s been fanning those flames ever since.