Samman Akbarzada

Samman Akbarzada is an Afghan refugee in her early twenties and the author of two books.

Books by Samman Akbarzada

About Samman Akbarzada

Samman Akbarzada is an Afghan refugee in her early twenties and the author of two books. Deeply reflecting on her life in war-torn Afghanistan, and her experiences assimilating into the United States, Samman’s writing embodies both darkness and light. Her words capture the suffering, heartbreak, gratitude, and redemption that mark a life lived on the blade of conflict with love and empathy as her constant guiding light.

“When I left Kabul, our land might have been burning, but the sky was blue. And the epiphany struck me that they could not ruin Afghanistan’s sky. When there is a way for the light to come in, there will come a day when the darkness will end—it is inevitable. Here’s to that day.”

—Samman Akbarzada